Monday, October 1, 2012

Updates on my bucket list.

So way back in 2010, made a list of things to do. I did MUET, which I'm so proud of. And also, I had on that list, to attend a live concert by BigBang. Pretty soon I'll be able to cross that off my list! Concert tickets have safely arrived via courier and my Uh-Mayzing Parents have bought my plane tickets. SOBS. I have the most amazing parents.EVER.

I know I know. Some say, apa laa gila KPOP. Please. I'm only this crazy for BigBang cause they were the first Korean band I laid my eyes on. This was when I was 15 years old. I'm loyal that way. I don't go all crazy eyes over other KPop bands. Visually they are most appealing, but music wise, I getting tired of listening to the same generic sounds. But not BigBang. Me lurf BigBang much much.

Safe to say, teenager me is so damn jealous of 21 year old me right now. Muehehe.