Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Reflection Entry One

How do you feel about love?

Love is an exciting emotion. It is an emotion not only felt by us human, but also by all creature, living and breathing air. Of course, the word love can be define in many ways. Every single person has a different opinion about love. Some cherish it, some hate it. But one thing for sure is, no one can avoid feeling it.

How do I feel about love? I feel blessed to be able to feel this emotion. I look around me, and I can see all the love that I am getting from my family and friends. I hope they are also able to sense the love that I feel for them. Love is available for everyone, and everyone deserves to be loved.

A world without love, is a world not worth living. Love is like that one secret spice in that dish that you love so much, that makes the dish so wonderfully good. Without love, that dish will never taste the same. It will taste bland even. Safe to say, it is a must have ingredient in every dish.

Love is an emotion that can easily make or break your day. Getting a good morning wish from that special someone every time you wake up always get's you going through the day with a smile plastered on your face. Wake up to a fight with that special someone, and your day becomes a miserable one.

So, love to me is an emotion that get's me going through life. It fuels me every time I am down. It makes me feel comfort every time I feel sad. It makes me feel needed when I feel like an outcast. Ask me again, how do I feel about love? I love it.

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