Saturday, May 22, 2010


so,i went to taylor's.

i was half expecting it would be closed on a saturday,and half hoping that it would be open.and yeah,it was closed.

so i'm going this tuesday la with meme.thank God for my young 'parents' here.haha.

and lemme tell ya people,it was in huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!the campus has its own LAKE for God sake.omaigawd.already i'm excited about the possibility of me going there.

wait~i AM going there.i'm gonna make it happen!yeah!owh and ASH!you reminding me of my dreams about going to Australia,adui!i'm dreaming already,padahal not yet register pun at taylor's,haha.

wheeeee.but i still have a lot of loose ends to tie up back at miim.dang~thou i love taylor's,i'm really gonna miss my miim friends.they're awesome to hang out with.huhu.

and intan apartment.gonna miss my housemates especially my roomie,nad!gonna miss you lots babe.T-T

soi soi~don't jinx anything thats not confirmed yet ba teng!

okay,this is it for now.gonna post more updates later.



  1. Gud LUCK nteng!!:D.. Bgus2 laa ko sna arr.. Kalo ko tpigi AUS(sa jeles) impom2 ar.. Mo suruh ko cari laki utk sa nie tau..XD..hahahaha..

  2. hahaha,bagus kalau tepigi ni ash.mcm xda ja,masters mengkali la,tp bachelor dsni2 ja kante.hehe,jimat cermat be.
