Friday, January 15, 2010

Fuck You Jerk!

Damn it..damn it..damn it..fucking jerk!

what the hell..i thought things like this only happen in malay dramas. never in a million years would i imagine, something like this could really happen. reality trully,hurts. now,i can't say what happened, but my dad became a victim. of a stupid scam! damn it..rm6000..gone just like that..gone like the wind..fuck you jerk.

that could've gotten me,like,how many pairs of converse shoes?(i know,it's no time for jokes,can't help it)..but..errrrgggggghh..go to hell!my dad,literally cried infront of me.shit man.shit!

i really don't know how to to console my dad.i really don' family knows i don't express my feelings.i really don't.i wish he's just joking,i wish this was a prank.ergh.damn it!

to that jerk..karma is a BITCH! someday,you are going to pay for this.fucking asshole!

p/s:sorry for the curse words.can't help it.


  1. I was going to ask 'what happened' but I realy don't want to be a busy b right now. I feel sad when terrible things happen to good man like him. Well, what goes around will surely comes around..

  2. omg.
    sabar sa ,u should be strong!aish,manusia zmn sekanrg mcm2 ade ..
