Friday, January 22, 2010

wow..i feel good.

and the reason is?

someone told me,reading my blog is fun.*tears*
that was something so simple yet so touching.

i am honored.thank you so much.

haha.enough.something so small can make my head go so big.haha.

but really.i didn't do this for,fame,or gaining popularity(that totally also means fame don't it?haha).i did this,for my personal satisfaction.merely for myself.writting is my passion.its my high school, everyone was soo good in maths,science,chemistry and lets not forget,physics?haha..while,I?i flunked those subjects.lets just say,some teacher even gave up teaching me,*ahem*addmath*ahem*,haha,but who am i to blame them?i deserved it.

the one thing i was really good at,(in my opinion la,haha,at least),was english of course.i love love love.its my forte' you know.haha.i was even friends with the english teachers at my school.they were the best!haha.aaah,,my glory days.sometimes i miss the adrenaline rush i get while standing on stage,performing my speech.i miss at least,i get to do this.blogging.i love it.i know,"you're doing it cause a lot of your friends are doing it",so what?i'm not saying blogging was my idea,haha,i'm just saying here,blogging helps me nourish my love for writting.after high school,i kinda lost my touch in writting.but now,thanks to technology,i'm back doing what i love.writting.(i'm saying that alot aren't i?)

and i don't care whether people read this or not.i'd rather not actually.but a few close friends i don't mind.this has somewhat became my journal,my diary,a place where i can say whatever i want,and not care what people think.

to who ever invented blogging,where ever you are,thanks a gazillion,you rocked my world dude/dudette!haha.

well,thats all the ranting i can provide tonight(early morning actually).have a good sleep everyone.

btw:i'm still in the crazy-for-minho phase.goin to bed thinking of him.*swoon*


  1. obsession!
    keep up the good writng it

  2. TENG someone saia kah?? ceh prasaan buhh sy kan!! hahahah teng kalo kaw ada sua buku sendiri c taw sy!! hehehe

  3. hehe.ko la tu mOOn.tengkiu2..loooove yoooou!!!
